We Specialize in Bucket & Boom Repair

We can (and will) service all working components of your bucket truck, but what we do that’s not so easy to find is making sure all mechanical, electric & hydraulic systems that give your boom its functionality are in perfect working order.

That’s our sweet spot.

Over the past 8 years, we’ve reconditioned and upfitted hundreds of bucket trucks… so we’ve also gotten really good at it. 😉

We specialize in bucket trucks for lights & signs, utility & telecom work, building construction & maintenance and tree care. Let us know how we can help.

What we can do for you…

From routine service to more significant repairs such as leaky hoses, failing electric modules and components, inverter issues, faulty controls, etc.

We can even pick up your equipment and deliver it when it’s done to make it easy for you.


Do you have a standard bucket truck that you want to use for fiber installation? In about 2 weeks, we will install a custom-built RGE Cable Placer System giving you all the functionality you’ll need including:

  • Boom operates in gear

  • NEW steel cage placer basket

  • NEW pulling arm mounts

  • NEW Atkinson hard-lined intercom speakers and a NEW old-style joystick

  • Starts at $29,900

  • Click here for more info

Cable Placer Upfits

Do you have a material handling bucket truck that needs to accommodate two people? In about 2 weeks, we will install a customer-built RGE 2-Man Basket giving you that functionality. Below is what our upfits include:

  • Brand NEW steel powder coated 2-man basket (any color)

  • NEW control mounts

  • All hoses extended

  • Boom rest modified & fabricated to accommodate 2-man basket

  • Starts at $19,900

Two-Man Basket Upfits

“The service Really Good Equipment provides is always timely and cost-effective. They are extremely knowledgeable about leaf vacuum equipment. I’m very impressed”

Richard Harris, Asst. General Manager Street Ops, City of Petersburg, VA